Saturday, January 3, 2015

Egg Nog Bread Pudding Made with Donuts

Egg Nog Bread Pudding Made with Donuts

Just in case you can't tell.  I'm cleaning out my fridge.  The egg nog must go!  I was cringing as I went to trash some old donuts yesterday. They were an unexpected surprise from some office event.  I received like 7 in total.  The perfect number.  I managed to get through 3.  I was left with 2 glazed and 2 apple-filled.  My love of donuts kicked in right on time.  This must have been done before, right?  Egg nog is just a hooked up custard. 

The stale donuts soaked up the nog well.  I thought about adding more egg, but I had just ran out...and it's raining.  The bread pudding set up pretty well without the additional egg.  Buttering the pan and letting it cool in the tin helped it release a lot cleaner. 

I topped it with some ice organic ice cream that I had in the fridge along with maple syrup and walnuts.  I am definitely keeping this one in the back pocket for next year!  Never waste a donut again!


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